jpg for target/zac posen for target

So I just saw lookbooks for both, and while I’m not dying about jean paul, because there are no overalls, dammit!  there are some things I do like:

por ejemplo, the striped shirt.  I don’t pretend to know what the hell is up with it entirely, but it’s striped, so I like it.

and so is this the same striped top, styled differently?  But I like the stripes/floral combo.  (does anything ever change with me?  no.)

Interlude provided by Franz Ferdinand:

And then Zac:

Snap tape?  I love snap tape!

Shorts?  Yes, but no to the Joey Buttafuoco shirt.

Chambray dress?  It’d be almost like having overalls.

Raincoat?  I do need one.  And you know I love asymmetricality.

Published in: on January 20, 2010 at 12:39 pm  Comments (2)  
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